Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Shaklee Product Difference

Shaklee Natural Product Ingredient Philosophy Shaklee founder Dr Forrest C. Shaklee, came up with the philosophy to offer products that were perfectly balanced within nature and good health. Shaklee holds onto two important principles when ingredients are selected for the products: 1) Shaklee products must be as natural as possible. 2) The ingredients must match the most recent advances in scientific research and technology The outstanding quality of Shaklee Productsis the result of this fine respect for nature, state of the art scientific research and production methods. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Ingredients The number one priority of Shaklee is to use the most natural ingredients in the products whenever possible. The mineral ingredients used are also classified as natural ingredients. These minerals are dietary essentials for good health. Essential minerals can be sourced directly as they are found within the earth–for example, calcium from limestone. But more commonly, minerals must be purified and bound to specific carriers to enhance their bioavailability and digestibility. When a mineral source has a carrier, it is noted in the Nutritional Products Ingredient Glossary. Those mineral carriers include natural compounds like mineral salts, organic acids, and protein/amino acids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naturally Derived Ingredients Sometimes, a sufficiently concentrated source of an ingredient cannot be found in nature, nor can it be derived from natural sources. In these instances, advances in nutritional technology allow us to use highly bioavailable ingredients formulated from biochemical building blocks. Whenever we use these types of ingredients, they are tested thoroughly to ensure bioavailability, purity, and potency. The B vitamin, thiamin, is an example of a nutrient that is formulated from biochemical building blocks. Another category of scientifically formulated ingredients are those that originate from a natural source, but are modified so that their final form is structurally and functionally different. An example is the ingredient hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Cellulose is a natural plant fiber. The cellulose is modified so that it takes on different properties that make it functionally advantageous to a product. Ingredients like these are categorized in the glossary as scientifically formulated. Nutritional and Herbal Products Ingredient Glossary is a reflection of the Shaklee philosophy and principles at work. Each ingredient is as natural as can be, and illustrates the leading advances in science and technology. That's the approach to making products that Dr. Shaklee pioneered: exacting the highest ingredient standard possible. The ingredients, though, are only one part of the Shaklee Difference. The unique blend of ingredients coupled with the cumulative power of the ongoing science behind the products make Shaklee unique. The Shaklee Difference is reflected in research, in the product development, in the care taken to adhere to strict clinical testing, and in meetinging the highest manufacturing standards in the industry. That's the combination that sets Shaklee products apart from all others. That's the Shaklee Difference — demanding and providing the best and the purest — by setting the highest of standards.

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